NexGen® Rotating Hinge Knee

NexGen Rotating Hinge Knee | Main Product Image

NexGen® Rotating Hinge Knee

The NexGen Rotating Hinge (RH) Knee features a bone conserving modular hinge design that aims to address common issues associated with traditional designs. Furthermore, its features are specifically designed to allow bone conservation and seamless intraoperative conversions from the NexGen Legacy® Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK).

Clinical Results

The NexGen RH Knee has over 19 years of clinical use.1


Interchangeable Solutions

Available with a comprehensive offering of femoral and tibial components, combined with stem extensions and augments, the NexGen RH Knee provides for true interchangeability and patient specific solutions. They include:

  • An RH Knee Tibial Base Plate, also available in RH Knee Non Modular Tibial Base Plate

  • Trabecular Metal® Femoral and Tibial Cone Augments

Centralised Contact throughout ROM

The NexGen RH Knee femoral component and articular surfaces are designed to maintain centralised contact throughout ROM (from -3° of hyperextension to 120°) resulting in 95% condylar loading through the tibial condyles.