Innovation Starts Here
In our quest to be the world's boldest MedTech company, we want to hear about ideas and innovations that could help improve the quality of life for patients around the world.
GeniuZ is a collaborative pathway, helping to develop your innovative ideas and product concepts together with us.
Read more about the simple three-step process below or submit your idea now!

Before completing our form and submitting your idea, please consider whether this is a new product or an existing/patented idea. When describing your idea, outline what problem it solves, or what disadvantage it could address. In addition, please tell us the stage of development or maturity of your idea. And lastly, please include your contact details. The more complete your description, the easier it will be to assess.
And now, if you are ready to submit - simply click on the link.

Once submitted you will receive a confirmation of receipt from us and your idea will be assessed through our internal GeniuZ review process. We will strive to contact you regarding our decision within one month. As your submission will run through a tiered review process, we may sometimes require additional time.

Following our review, we will communicate our formal decision by email. If the idea is a strong candidate for the GeniuZ program we will contact you to discuss and determine the best way to collaborate and take your idea forward. Conversely, if we decide to not move forward, you will be free to pursue the concept with another party.