Zimmer® Natural Nail® System with Bactiguard® Technology

ZNN Bactiguard | Main Product Image

Zimmer® Natural Nail® System with Bactiguard® Technology

The ZNN System is the first Zimmer Biomet product to have the Bactiguard coating, offering the combination of a unique non-antibiotic-eluting, anti-infective coating with a clinically successful intramedullary nailing system.1,2,3

This pairing is designed to provide a promising solution for addressing implant-associated infection and improving patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Bactiguard Hex Pattern | Image
Bactiguard Interactive Overview
Infection Control

Infection control is a top priority for trauma surgeons. Below you can find key statistics and a poignant patient video testimonial, which highlights the reason we need to talk more about infection control and prevention.

Why Bactiguard?
3.2 million

In Europe, 3.2 million patients are estimated to receive a healthcare-associated infection (HAI) diagnosis each year, of which an estimated 37,000 have proven to be fatal.5

€7 billion

Healthcare-associated infections lead to 16 million extra-days of hospital stay and cost approximately €7 billion annually across Europe.6

More than 65% of the infections are related to biofilm.7,8  In orthopaedic trauma, an estimated 30% of cases may result in infection9, with almost 80% of all open fractures presenting some bacterial contamination.10

Bactiguard Technology

Bactiguard Technology is a thin, durable4 and non-eluting noble metal (gold, silver and palladium alloy) coating that is designed to firmly attach to the implant surface.

When the coating comes into contact with moisture, the noble metals create a unique galvanic (or battery) effect that generates tiny pico currents on the implant surface, designed to reduce bacterial adhesion and subsequent risk of biofilm formation.